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Anyone with a basic understanding of personal safety understands that awareness is the cornerstone of any program. Dennis begins with this basic “BE AWARE” building block then works interactively with his audience, helping each individual gain insight into how to build inner personal strength and develop a realistic understanding of how to become self-reliant in a variety of environments.

Some of the most requested seminar and workshop topics include:

Sales Rep. Safety– When one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies needed to conquer street harassment of their Sales Representatives, they knew they needed more than a quick fix safety lecture. This seminar is specifically geared to arm your sales force with the skills necessary for quickly and safely overcoming a street encounter and most importantly, without escalating the event.  This program remains current by actively updating, analyzing and reporting on incident intelligence gathered from national authorities as well as personal experiences from sales representatives across the country.  To learn more contact us.

Quotes from Attendees

“The evaluations from your Sales Rep Safety seminar have been trickling in. Feedback has been wonderful… your presentation left our employees wanting more! ”

VP Sales
NJ Based Pharmaceutical Company

“I used to think I was pretty alert to my surroundings and could overcome just about anything.  What really grabbed my attention were the stories you shared about actual incidents.  They really reinforced the point and made me evaluate my body language and awareness in a whole new way! ”

Field Sales Representative
New York, NY

“This training is a must for any Pharmaceutical sales rep.  My territory includes some rough neighborhoods and I used to be nervous about making some of my routine calls.  About two months after the training I used the “In Touch” drill on a suspicious person and he simply walked away.  Now I tell everyone I know about your course! ”

Senior Sales Associate
Chicago, Illinois

Street Smarts – It’s more than walking with your head up and looking around for people who seem out of place. And while that is good advice it does not go far enough. You need to know how a predator thinks. You need to know how to use “criminal thinking” to gain an advantage. In this seminar, Dennis opens up the world on how street criminals think and plan, how they select their victims and how easy it is to blunt their efforts on the street, in parking lots, elevators even at your front door. For more information contact us.

Stop Work Place Violence – Today, workplace violence has reached epidemic proportions. This seminar will show you how to recognize the 7 warning signs and symptoms. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and learn some simple steps you can take to stop people from yelling, fighting, or otherwise engaged in disruptive behavior. Learn how to turn off your inner voice and do the unexpected to resolve issues. For more information contact us.

Personal Safety – Would you freeze, flee or fight. This seminar takes an in-depth look at how to insure your personal safety in a variety of environments. Some discussion items include: Be safe while traveling. Things hotels don’t tell you and never will. What to do if you are being carjacked. Tips for college students or anyone living in a multi-family residence. Learn the advantages of planting defensive shrubbery and how you can conduct either a home or office security check. You’ll learn how to develop an escape plan. Finally, you will learn how to build an experience library that could save your life or the lives of your co-workers or loved ones. For more information contact us.

Girls Strike Back Classes teach women how to use their particular strengths to successfully fight off and defeat any attacker. These are practical and easy to remember techniques that can be learned in our 90 minute classes and can be applied to any situation.

Historically women have turned to martial arts studios hoping to learn how to defend themselves. Unfortunately, real attacks, the kind women face during a rape or street encounter, are vastly different from the highly stylized scenarios practiced at a martial arts studio. Women who have taken martial arts based classes tell us they froze during an encounter because the techniques did not apply to their situation.

At Girls Strike Back classes we understand men and women are often not on equal playing fields when it comes to size and strength. This new method of fighting back was created to level the playing field and give women the tools they need to survive. Our mission is to educate and empower women about how to win no matter what situation they face and the results are proven effective with nationwide success.

Learn more about our basic, intermediate and advanced training.

Senior Safety – As the baby boomers age and move into the ranks of “seasoned citizens” they not only face adjusting to a whole new way of life they also learn that a new set of potential risks can appear on the horizon. Financial scams, physical abuse and more can take in even the most savvy of seniors. Aging eyes, slower reflexes and even the effects of some prescription drugs can make today’s senior a prime target for physical assault. This seminar focuses on some of the timeliest scams now being used. For more information contact us.

Realtor Safety – Imagine being alone in a deserted home or office building with perfect strangers. Real Estate agents do it every day and each year hundreds are assaulted, robbed or killed while working. This seminar focus is on how agents can security screen prospects, how to show a facility and how not to get trapped in a building with someone intent on doing you harm. We shift agent attention to think safety and security while on the job. For more information contact us.

Hands on Skill Classes

We teach a variety of defensive skills for those who are comfortable using self-defense techniques against a determined opponent.

  • These skill classes include: Rape Prevention, Personal Protection, Concealed Carry Protection, Force on Force, Defensive Knife and Defensive Spray. For more information contact us.
  • We also teach basic firearm skills to anyone interested in learning more about how firearms function or about their safe use. These classes include home firearm safety, rifle, pistol and shotgun. For students wishing to advance further we offer instructor level certifications for all modern firearms. For more information contact us.